Oh man!
Have you ever watched Cirque du Soleil? Those acrobats can leap into a hoop and land hanging by their toes… and they make it look effortless. It’s stunning.
When Kazim cuts my hair it’s a similar show. He combs and lifts and chops like it’s nothing. His hands seem to fly around effortlessly. It’s stunning!
Do you also watch people doing their thing? If not, you should start. A chef chopping a tomato. ( I’ve chopped a tomato… except when it do it’s more like squishing apart than chopping. ) Billie Colson painting ( or cutting a picture mat.) Craig at Realities for Children speaking to a crowd. Obviously, Vi the Fiddler fiddling. A great customer service person on the phone. These people have been studying and/or practicing their thing forever. This does not come about by whim. It’s clearly the result of commitment.
If you are not regularly dazzled Cirque du Soleil-style, you’re not watching people truly doing their thing. You have to find those people, and pay attention. Well, you first have to pay attention to people to notice when they’re in their realm of magic… and then watch the show.
My whole point here is that YOU have thing you’re stunningly magical at. I don’t know if you’re doing it professionally, but that’s not necessarily the point. It’s something you might think of as “not a big deal.” It’s easy. Maybe you had to do it at first, or you were just playing around… and now it’s just something you just do. Yeah… it’s easy for you. Because you’ve been doing it forever and it’s baked into your mind and your muscles.
But for the rest of us, you are absolutely dazzling.