Ridiculous? Sure.
Last week a handful of us Downtown Loveland people realized that the parking plan was on City Council’s agenda for the October 31st meeting. Going to a City Council meeting isn’t my fave idea for a festive Halloween, but it was an important subject to me. We said we’d dress up for the meeting to make it more fun. A meter maid, a construction worker… I said I’d wear a car cutout of some sort.
When I got there, wearing my ridiculous car (Vi wore his construction worker vest) we were the only ones who’d dressed up! One friend said “Wow, you actually did it.” Yup. I did. It was the same reaction we heard years ago when we opened up the bricked-over windows of the studio. I’ve heard “wow, you actually did it” many times along the way.
And that’s how you dazzle people. Shock and awe, in the best possible way. Doing what you say you’re going to do. Only say things you actually can and want to do, and then do them.
If I could point to one change that made the biggest in my life, it would be that. Watch what I commit to, and then do what I committed to.
Try it and report back, will ya?