It’s Pretty Hip To Push Yourself
It’s like the self-help addiction. I’m Christina, and I’m a recovering “just push yourself” pusher. I heard Tony Robbins say it best – Pushing yourself is exhausting. You can’t keep it up. Be pulled instead. You can be pulled forever.
Be pulled. I didn’t have to push myself to bring the cats into the studio and attempt Taylor Swift’s Time Mag photo. That was fun and easy, and probably great for my business.
There are also lots of things that I don’t really like doing, but I create the conditions for being pulled, instead of having to push myself. Like if you get on a swing you give yourself one big push off the ground. Then pumping your legs is just alternating between a little push and letting gravity pull you. To start a workout groove, I have to push at first. Then I love how I feel and I start seeing muscles, and I’m pulled. But I don’t try to push myself to get up real early and then push myself to workout. It’s gotta work for me. One big push and then little spurts of push. With a lot of being pulled in the meantime.
Don’t be so hard on yourself when pushing and pushing and pushing doesn’t work. There’s nothing wrong with you. It just doesn’t work. You can’t push yourself all the time. Just push to start and then if the gravitational pull doesn’t happen, change something. Try it different. Find another way, another time, another gym.