A friend recently lamented that the world and the economy are so weird and uncertain right now, and she felt that her service was the last thing people should be spending their money on. Like her thing is frivolous, and folks should be buckling down and tightening belts and such.
That stuck with me because:
1 – The world is the same world, just different… ya know? So some people are going to buckle down and tighten up, and some won’t. People are going to do what they do. If folks can spend money on booze and lipstick, nothing is too frivolous.
But, secondly! I believe so strongly in what I do that I feel it’s the opposite of frivolous. The service I provide and the portraits I create change lives. Improve lives. I think in times of uncertainty, the thing people need most is something to hold on to. Something to connect themselves back to themselves. Connect to your heart, soul… the thing that is soft and kind and generous in you. The thing that is the best of you. The Real You part.
So, today I HOPE that whatever it is you do, you believe in it strongly. If you don’t feel like you’re providing more value than the physical money you’re getting for it, you’re in the wrong thing.
I also beg you and give you permission to do whatever it takes to connect to yourself now, if you’re feeling the world is weird and uncertain. Go hiking, play on the swings, paint, draw, write, dance… maybe come in for a portrait session. Quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation, touch. Whatever it takes to connect to the you-est you.