How I Do No Regrets
Last weekend my kitty Maya crossed over. She was closer to 18 than 17, and I did everything I could to ensure she had a happy, fun life the whole time we were together. It’s the only way I know to live without regrets. The future is always present for me. I feel time’s ticking like a clock sits on my shoulder. From the day I brought this tiny, angry (because we rode the NYC subway from the shelter) ball of fluff home I knew my time with her would be too short. By treating each moment like it might be our last, I set up my future self for not having regrets all along.
On Maya’s 17th birthday I brought her down to the studio because Future Me wants no regrets. I have tons of phone pics of Maya that make me smile, but nothing I’d hang on a wall. So now I’m so extra grateful for that studio time.
One, it was fun. She was still her sassy self while becoming more affectionate as she aged. So she vocalized her displeasure at changing her routine, while also chomping treats and purring like a 2-cycle engine. She was happy to sit in my lap and cuddle for as long as I’d sit there. A beautiful memory.
Two, the portraits now are invaluable. There is no amount of money I would trade to never see them again. This is why I became a photographer in the first place. Photos are how I process loss. There is some comfort in there.
Have someone you love? The time for a portrait is now. No Regrets.