Do you ever feel like you’re doing the work, and not seeing the results?
Whether it’s fitness or photography competitions, I often feel pretty good about the effort I’m putting in. I workout 2-3x per week… for years. I work hard to create beautiful portraits and enter the competitions.
Yet, when I recently got a body composition analysis, my muscle mass was not impressive… to say the least. And when I entered 4-5 portraits in competition, I won just one silver. (Yes, yay… but… I wanted like 3 silvers and a gold. Ha.)
So I ask the people who would know… the coaches… in their industry. (Always befriend some coaches in your arena of interest. )
What I learned from them kinda sucks… it’s not what I wanted to hear. Turns out I haven’t been working hard enough. But like, ugh. So, I gotta lift heavier weights when I work out. Like heavy enough that I can barely hold them. And photo competition? The people who I see winning are entering 40 or 70 images per year.
This is not the magic bullet secret sauce I was hoping for. But the good news is that there is no secret I’m not in on. I’m not missing anything. I just need to work a little harder… 10% more work can get me 25% more result. Or accept that this is what I have to give and this is what I’m going results.
Because I can’t keep doing the same stuff and expecting new results… I gotta change something. Even if it’s my expectations.
The choice is mine. And yours too.
Whatever you’re after… Go get ‘em! You can do it!
(I’ll keep you posted on how this new effort turns out. Let me know how it works out for you!)