How has your week been? Are you aware that Thanksgiving is this week?!
It sure snuck up on me. As we slide into maybe our first “normal” holiday season since 2019, I’m seeing my email fill with holiday parties and events. For me, it’s very easy to say No Thank you and delete the email. For some of you, it may not be so simple.
Do you feel obligated to go to a thing? Do you feel like there’s going to be fun out there without you? Do you worry about what people will think of you’re not there?
I have great news for you! All of those concerns are unnecessary!
Enter JOMO
The Joy of Missing Out.
Obligation is no way to live. I don’t do it. If I’m about to do something just because I feel obligated, I don’t. (If I actually promised the thing, then I do the thing promised if at all possible.) Will there be fun happening without me? Maybe. But so what? I’m super fun by myself – and you are too – in a snuggie on the couch. People out there will be jealous of you. What people will think of you if I’m not there? They probably won’t think of me at all, cause they’ll be too wrapped up worrying what everyone thinks of them. They’ll be busy adjusting their spanx while wondering when they can get out of their heels. If they do think of me? See above… they’ll be jelly.
I Save My Energies for the Things I Really Love. And Then I Show Up 100%.
I let the rest go.