Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing the January doldrums. We’re supposed to come into the new year with energy and excitement, but that totally overlooks the fact that for our side of the planet, it’s the dead of winter. It’s dark and cold, and all that’s good for is hibernating.
But there are ways to work with it it. When I don’t have the energy for going full steam, I lean on the Stupid Little Things That Work. They’re so small and dumb, they shouldn’t.
But here’s an example… Some years ago a friend stay with us for a couple weeks. I don’t know what possessed him, but he took a sharpie to my lime green dustpan and wrote “Christina ? to Clean.” No not really. I was kind of WTF. But I decided it didn’t really matter. I’ll be damned if seeing that every time I swept didn’t affect me some how. Sometimes I was entertained at how ridiculous it was. Sometimes I was annoyed that he would do such a thing. But I was always thinking about my friend when I cleaned. And after a while that was kinda nice. And after a longer – like years – while, I kinda liked going to for the dustpan. Why on earth did that work?
I don’t know.
I also have a tshirt that says “Stronger than you think” on the front. It’s bright pink and has glitter… it’s terrible really. But I got from the thrift store cause it has the thumb holes and I figured it’s a good yard work shirt. Again, at first I was sorta entertained by the idea of little me being so strong. Ha haha. But then I wondered if I could be stronger than people think. And I then I wanted to be stronger. And hence, working out is a real part of my days. WTF. Why did that work?
I don’t know. But what I know is that what you regularly see is what you start to believe. And once you believe it, even just a little, you start to change your behavior.
So, if I can create your portrait and that makes you feel loved, and you see it every single day… who will you be in a year?