Some families are just plain good-looking. Like they could be on the cover of a magazine or in an ad for sunshine and fun. The Parrishes are one of those families. And Caylee, the cutest 2-year-old I’ve ever met, is a little ball of curiosity and independence. Lindsey and I got to talk on the phone a bunch before the photo session, since it rained the day we’d planned it. And it rained the 2nd day we’d planned it too. Amazing considering we live in a state that gets about 6 days of rain a year. (Ok, I’m exaggerating… but it seems like it’s ALWAYS sunny in Colorado)
Third time’s a charm, and we met at City Park just as the morning’s clouds were breaking up. I had so much fun processing these photos, so you’ll get to see a variety of the ways I can play with colors to change the mood of a photo.
Caylee was fascinated by me, always checking to see where I was. Yup, I was still there… and she’d contentedly go about exploring some more.
And hang out with Mom and Dad…
See? They’re a gorgeous family! And I had a ton of fun being part of it for a couple hours that morning.